It's really early. Blah. Or late. Whatever. I'm barely awake. It's 2:10 AM, and I'm about to pass out, but I wanted to share a little bit about what is going to be my excuse for being online a lot more.
Click here to find me on Crowdtap!
Now, I always quickly mention that I'm an over opinionated nerd, and this site let's me do JUST THAT. And guess what? I get free samples as long as I write a review for it (hey, I usually do that anyway!) but that's not even the best part. I'm getting PAID for it. No, I'm serious. I'm actually getting paid. Several of the actions will give you a couple of bucks, and some of the bigger stuff, like reviewing samples, which I'm starting to do now, gives you a decent chunk of free cash. Booya!
Want some free money??? Who doesn't!! CLICK HERE!
I'm such a free stuff junkie, I'm just excited about getting the SAMPLES. But I'm also getting MONEY for WRITING about the FREE STUFF I'm getting.
Another cool part about it? You're donating to charity. A charity of your choice. (I'm doing To Write Love On Her Arms. I've always loved what this charity does! <3). It automatically donates a part of your earnings (it's not very much, so you don't get the 'oh yeah, you're giving me money then taking it away!' syndrome), but you can choose to donate more of it if you prefer. If you choose to redeem your money, it's a gift card.
Hey, I am sure not complaining!!!
So far it's been fun. I haven't actually gotten any cash yet, because you have to earn a certain amount before you can cash it out, but I'm really looking forward to doing more of these actions. I will absolutely keep you up to date on whether it works or not.
If you'd like you check it out for yourself, check out this link:
Click here to go to Crowdtap, and make sure to add me (it'll let you automatically)
Then you can add me as a friend on there, and then we help each other earn some more moolah. Sound fun? Ooh yeah. Let's hit it.!
Or should I say tap it???
Seriously, how cool is this idea??? If anyone of you have used it (successfully, or otherwise), wanna let me know what you think and any tips, etc?? If not, oh well. I'll be sure to update on it for everyone very soon!
Cholle (who is not officially passed out. whew!)
Live, let live, be happy.
Tee-hee: let's be friends. Shoot me an email
Last chance! Click here and add me on Crowdtap!
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